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The purpose of consultation is to clarify ethical challenges, possible courses of action, and strategies for mitigating future challenges. Consultations are a pathway to clarifying and resolving disputes, possible misunderstandings, or misconduct in the practice of research. Across this research lifespan questions might focus on regulated (e.g., conflict of interest, research subject protections) as well as unregulated aspects of research (e.g., collaborations, mentor/mentee relationships) and our societal responsibilities.


Assistance is available to research groups, schools/departments, the ACTRI, and the University in the development of policies, guidelines, or procedures that support the responsible and ethical conduct of research. The assistance offered includes facilitation, writing, or providing models or suggestions.

Public/Community Engagement

The highest ethical standards in research depend on engagement with the public. Research Ethics Program faculty are experienced in staging public forums to promote discussion of complex ethical issues. Unique challenges include, but are not limited to, designing research that will involve vulnerable populations and returning results to research participants. Ethics faculty also have a role in communicating with the public through interviews with journalists and publishing op-ed pieces. Opportunities for public engagement are further facilitated by the overlapping roles of the UC San Diego Research Ethics Program, the Institute for Practical Ethics and the San Diego Research Ethics Consortium.

Support for Proposals

Research ethics has been an area of excellence at UC San Diego since 1997. The Research Ethics Program (REP) ensures that instruction in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) is available for all UCSD trainees. Reflecting UCSD’s commitment to creating a culture of integrity for academics at all career stages, the REP offers courses, seminar series, workshops, and individual seminars or lectures tailored to meet the needs of programs throughout the University.

Read our support page.

Request for Services

How to request services.

San Diego Research Ethics Consortium (SDREC)

A multi-institution core resource formed by some of the leading biomedical research institutions in Southern California, SDREC was established to support the ethical conduct of science in stem cell and other research programs and trainings.