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Research Ethics Program Research


Conducting Research to Shape Research Ethics

Research is strengthened through the conduct of both normative analysis and empirical research designed to study and inform best practices. Our research has received extra and intramural support for over 20 years. Current research is carried out with support from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

Areas of interest include:

  1. Creating/testing decision-making tools to support ethical AI/digital health research
  2. Fostering ethical and responsible research environments
  3. Informing participant communications including informed consent and return of results
  4. Developing ethically sourced health data repositories

How we can be involved in supporting grants from others

In addition to leading research programs, our faculty work with ACTRI researchers to support grant proposals. This may include addressing ethical issues proactively and/or developing aims to conduct research on ethical issues that are either central to or a part of clinical and translational research projects. In addition, ethics faculty contribute to required sections of grant proposals, particularly career development and fellowship awards, that require plans for research ethics education or addressing ethical challenges.

Contact us with questions or requests for services.